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Quarter 4: Composing 4-Voice Chorales
Quarter 4 is focused on composing chorales for soprano, alto, tenor, and bass in the style of Johann Sebastian Bach. We will build chords, employ strong chord progressions, and nonharmonic tones to create pleasant and rich vocal works. Check here to download homework PDFs and view the overview of the quarter.
Mr. Strand
Quarter 4
At a Glance

Week 2 Homework
Due Week 3
Study for your quiz!
Week 3 Homework
Due week 4
Week 4 Homework
None due to field trip!
Week 5 Homework
None due to field trip!
Week 6 Homework
Due Week 7
Check back after week 6!
Week 7 Homework
Due Week 8
Check back after week 7!
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