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Quarter 4: Learning Guitar on the Jamstik
Zivix LLC, Minneapolis-based creator of the Jamstik MIDI guitar, has generously donated 20 Jamstiks to the MacPhail Center for Music! We are going to focus our 4th quarter on learning to play the electric guitar through the use of the Jamstik MIDI guitar and its accompanying education app, JamTutor. Student feedback and pictures will be posted here throughout the quarter, so follow along as we pilot new educational technology!
Mr. Strand
Quarter 4
At a Glance

Week 2 Homework
Due Week 3
Week 3 Homework
Due Week 4
Week 4 Homework
Due Week 5
Week 5 Homework
Due Week 6
Week 6 Homework
Due Week 7
Week 7 Homework
Due Week 8
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